Office cleaning is the heart of our services. Not only do we clean large corporate offices in the Perth CBD, we also specialise in industrial and heavy industry areas such as Kewdale, Welshpool, Osborne Park, Malaga and Canning Vale. We take great pride in our cleaning and have innovative and proven methods to make sure that your office is cleaned to our high standard and presentable for you, your staff members and your clients.
Because offices and workplaces are constantly staffed for up to 50 hours a week, they require consistent, detailed cleaning to maintain a hygienic, healthy and safe working environment. As communal spaces offices are highly prone to the build-up of dust and debris that will not only affect the look & feel of your space, but also the health of your team.
Paper and packaging, dust, hair, dried skin and food crumbs, make an attractive food source for vermin, micro insects and bacteria. Refuse can quickly accumulate in an office when there are no regular office cleaning services. Interpro Property Services specialise in Perth office cleaning solutions that are tailored specifically to each site and will provide you with an in-depth Scope-of-Work specific to your requests.
In addition to our office cleaning services, we also supply consumables at extremely competitive rates. Our clients find this to be the easiest and most reliable method of ensuring their facilities are efficiently equipped with stock and organised.
We make sure our supervisor attends the site every day for the first 2 weeks to make sure our staff are completing the tasks that they have been given to our standard.
Contact us today for a FREE Cleaning Assessment & Proposal (valued at $100).